Our Services
The Work We Do
Sadler & Whitehead is able to assist you at any stage of your project. Whether this is your first rehabilitation or you’ve “caught the bug” and have completed many tax credit projects, we would love the opportunity to work with you as your historic preservation consultant.
We will be your liaison between the State Historic Preservation Office, the National Park Service, and the local Preservation Planning Office when necessary. We will complete the required applications on your behalf and meet regularly with you and your project team. Historic tax credit projects can sometimes be complicated. We specialize in working with you and your architect on historic building treatments. If you are looking for financial or legal services, we recommend reaching out to a CPA or tax attorney familiar with historic tax credits.
State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits
State Review Negotiations
Section 106 Reviews
Environmental Review
Design Consultation
Historic tax credit projects can sometimes be complicated. We specialize in working with you and your architect on historic building treatments.
Explore Our Recent Work